What is APDA?

8 Jan 2017 by Kylie Denham

There are multiple physical culture associations in Australia with APDA being the newest and most innovative association with headquarters in Sydney and affiliated clubs across New South Wales, Queensland and the ACT. When we joined APDA in 2012 there was absolutely no doubt that this was the best physie association with which to be affiliated.

APDA is a professionally-run organisation employing trained and experienced choreographers with extensive experience in dance. APDA is committed to meeting the expectations of you, the members, and growing a dynamic, progressive and professional organisation.


To redefine, reposition and reignite a lifelong, rewarding engagement with physical culture in Australia in the 21st century.


Physie is fun, It’s social. It promotes fitness and a general sense of well-being and self-worth. APDA embraces the opportunity for positive change. The creative team at APDA pride themselves in understanding the need to review and redefine this unique sport, and collectively they have designed a national curriculum thaqt is energetic, edgy and always exciting for students.


1 Acacia Avenue, Port Macquarie