The Physie Year

8 Jan 2017 by Kylie Denham

Physie is an activity you do all year over four terms and is run in line with NSW public school terms.

APDA provides our teachers with a brand new syllabus of routines and music each year so all students, whether they have done physie before or not, start on the same footing each and every year. We cover all the basics of correct dance technique as we are learning the syllabus even with our most experienced students and also incorporate games into the junior classes to enhance learning and skills.

To gain the most out of Physie we encourage all members to participate in 2 lessons per week. We spend the first two terms of the year learning the new routines, improving fitness, flexibility and strength. Terms three and four are when competitions are held and when we focus on perfecting the syllabus and learning how to really perform each and every routine.

At the end of the year we hold our club competition where all students showcase their work and improvement to their family and friends and awards are given to the students. We do not require any special costumes for our concert and we have a party afterwards to keep the focus on fun and celebrating the achievements of our members over the year.


1 Acacia Avenue, Port Macquarie